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Mertola Town in Portugal


Mertola town is situated in the middle of the Guadiana Valley Natural Park in Portugal. It is a protected nature reserve situated in southeastern parts of Portugal in Alentejo region. Ribeira de Oeiras River is a tributary of the Guadiana River. A bridge over Ribeira de Oeiras River connects the road to the western side of the town.

The River Guadiana flows on the eastern side of Mertola. The river is 818 km long, of which 140 km lies within the borders of Portugal. The source of River Guadiana lies in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) then it flows into Portugal and then back to Spain. On the western side of the river, the old town of Mertola sits on a hill.

A road sign on N 122, while coming nearer to Mertola town
A road sign on N 122, while coming nearer to Mertola town
This bridge connects the road to the western side of Mertola town in Portugal
This bridge connects the road to the western side of Mertola town in Portugal
On the eastern edge of the town, the River Guadiana flows
On the eastern edge of the town, the River Guadiana flows
Historically, Mertol's wealth was attached with this river
Historically, Mertol's wealth was attached with this river
Out of 818 km of length, nearly 140 are within the Portuguese border
A warning sign on the western bank of the River Guadiana
One of the banks of the river, seen from the terrace of the hotel I was staying in
One of the banks of the river, seen from the terrace of the hotel I was staying in
The old town of Mertola Portugal is on the western bank of the river
The hill looks dry and barren - Mertola Town Portugal
City walls still stand guard on this side of the old town


The town was inhabited by Phoenicians, Carthaginians and the Romans. Mertola fell into the Muslim hands after the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 8th century. After the weakness of the central government in Cordoba (Spain), Mertola became a taifa state. One of the taifa rulers was Ibn Qasi, who ruled Mertola between 1144 and 1150. The Almoravid controlled this town after their conquests in al-Andalus in the 12th century. Later, Almohads took control from the Almoravids. FInally, Mertola fell into the Christians hands in 1238 when Portuguese king Sancho II conquered it.

A cinema in Mertola Town Portugal
A street in the middle of the old town
A street in the middle of the old town
A quiet roundabout in Mertola town Portugal
A red letter box attached to a wall
A red letter box attached to a wall
A door knocker - Mertola Town Portugal
Building of the Museum Hotel, which has a medieval museum from the Muslim period
Building of the Museum Hotel, which has a medieval museum from the Muslim period
One of the narrow streets in the whitewashed town of Mertola - Portugal
One of the narrow streets in the whitewashed town of Mertola - Portugal
This horseshoe shape arch is one of the typical examples of the Islamic architect
This horseshoe shape arch is one of the typical examples of the Islamic architect
Having a breakfast, while overlooking the River Guadiana
Olive trees grown on a small terrace, inside the old town
Olive trees grown on a small terrace, inside the old town

Even to this day, the old town of Mertola is surrounded by the city walls. Romans built the wall but later Muslim rulers enhanced and strengthened the wall. The Muslim rulers not only built the walls but also a castle at the highest point of the town. In the past, a Muslim neighbourhood existed next to the Castle of Mertola. After the conquest of the town, this part was turned into a cemetery.

In this photos, old city walls are on the left side
In this photos, old city walls are on the left side
A statue of Ibn Qasi (Abu-l-Qasim Ahmad ibn al-Husayn ibn Qasi)
A statue of Ibn Qasi (Abu-l-Qasim Ahmad ibn al-Husayn ibn Qasi)
Northern parts of the Mertola town Portugal
Northern parts of the Mertola town Portugal
N 265 road goes over the River Guadiana - this road connects Mertola with Serpa
N 265 road goes over the River Guadiana - this road connects Mertola with Serpa
A closer look at the bridge built over River Guadiana
A closer look at the bridge built over River Guadiana
Eastern bank of the River Guadiana
Few houses on the eastern bank - Mertola town Portugal
Few houses on the eastern bank - Mertola town Portugal
Old buildings on the eastern bank of the river - seen from the old town of Mertola
Old buildings on the eastern bank of the river - seen from the old town of Mertola
A Muslim neighbourhood from the Almohad period used to exist here
A Muslim neighbourhood from the Almohad period used to exist here
Some of the graves inside Cemiterio de Mertola - Mertola town Portugal

Blacksmith's Forge

The Blacksmith’s Forge Centre is part of the Mertola Museum and it is located at Rua Elias Garcia. This old forge is no longer in use but it shows how blacksmiths had worked in the past. There was a glass door at the entrance and entry to this small forge wasn’t permitted. The small museum preserves an old age profession of blacksmithing.

One of the castle towers seen from path going up on Rua Elias Garcia
One of the castle towers seen from path going up on Rua Elias Garcia
External walls of the Mertola Castle rising above a house in the old town of Mertola Portugal
External walls of the Mertola Castle rising above a house in the old town of Mertola Portugal
A sign at the Blacksmith's Forge Centre
A sign at the Blacksmith's Forge Centre
Some of the tools to assist the blacksmiths are on display
Some of the tools to assist the blacksmiths are on display
Entrance to this small museum has a locked glass door
Entrance to this small museum has a locked glass door
Some of the tools hanging on a wall
Some of the tools hanging on a wall
The museum offers an insight into the work of a blacksmith
Next to this museum, Rua Elias Garcia offers panoramic views over the River Ribeira de Oeiras
Next to this museum, Rua Elias Garcia offers panoramic views over the River Ribeira de Oeiras
Looking back at the castle walls, after coming out of the Blacksmith's Forge
Looking back at the castle walls, after coming out of the Blacksmith's Forge
The River Ribeira de Oeiras and it's bridge - Mertola Town Portugal

Religious Art Museum

The Islamic centre is run under the banner of Centre for Archaeological Studies from the Universities of Coimbra and Porto and Mertola’s Archaeological Site. The Religious Art Museum is located inside the old Igreja da Misericórdia de Mertola Church. Over the last twenty years, the collection of statues, paintings and religious vessels was brought in from churches in the district. It was mainly from the churches which had been abandoned and offered little security. In one of the paintgs inside the museum, Santiago of the Castle is seen fighting against the Muslim army.

A small mixer outside a house, where renovation work was being carried out
A small mixer outside a house, where renovation work was being carried out
A sign for the Centre for Islamic Studies and the Mediterranean - Mertola Town Portugal
A sign for the Centre for Islamic Studies and the Mediterranean - Mertola Town Portugal
Unfortunately, the Islamic centre wasn't open on the day of my visit
Unfortunately, the Islamic centre wasn't open on the day of my visit
The old Igreja da Misericórdia de Mertola Church now displays the religious art museum
The old Igreja da Misericórdia de Mertola Church now displays the religious art museum
This church exhibits religious statues dating back from 16th to 18th centuries
These 16th-17th centuries statues are from the churches in Mertola and Sao Pedro de Solis
These 16th-17th centuries statues are from the churches in Mertola and Sao Pedro de Solis
This painting depicts Santiago of the Castle fighting
This painting depicts Santiago of the Castle fighting

Remains of the ancient port on the River Guardiana, stand the remains of imposing piers of a bridge lined up in the late Roman period. The Romans had established a trading post in Mertola (called Myrtilis, during Roman times). The River Guadiana was navigable and it brought wealth to the town during the Muslim rule in this part of Portugal. Mercado Municipal (the Municipal Market) sits at Praça Vasco da Gama and it sells fresh fruits, vegetables, olives and cheeses. 

An open space at Largo da Misericordia offers wonderful view of the River Guadiana
An open space at Largo da Misericordia offers wonderful view of the River Guadiana
An ancient port used to exist on the River Guardiana
An ancient port used to exist on the River Guardiana
A trading post was established in the area and river was used to transport goods
A trading post was established in the area and river was used to transport goods
The River Guadiana was navigable and it brought wealth to the town
The River Guadiana was navigable and it brought wealth to the town
Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra - Mertola town Portugal
Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra - Mertola town Portugal
Alsafir restaurant (written in Arabic and English) beside the Town Hall
Alsafir restaurant (written in Arabic and English) beside the Town Hall
Few signs on a wall which show the offices inside the Town Hall of Mertola
Few signs on a wall which show the offices inside the Town Hall of Mertola
In front of the Town Hall, there are few orange trees lined beside the wall
In front of the Town Hall, there are few orange trees lined beside the wall
Rua Dom Sancho II with the tower of the Matriz Church in the background - Mertola town Portugal
Rua Dom Sancho II with the tower of the Matriz Church in the background - Mertola town Portugal
Entrance of the Mercado Municipal (the Municipal Market)
Entrance of the Mercado Municipal (the Municipal Market)
Mercado Municipal sells fresh produce - Mertola town Portugal
Mercado Municipal sells fresh produce - Mertola town Portugal
A colourful wall, close to Rua 25 de Abril
A colourful wall, close to Rua 25 de Abril
A view of the Guadiana River and the city walls
A view of the Guadiana River and the city walls